Reposted from Nothing Is New...
"A new web project is live on the net!
TEENAGE is a film in development by Director Matt Wolf (Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell), Writer Jon Savage with Executive Producer Jason Schwartzman. It’s based on Jon Savage’s book Teenage: The Creation of Youth 1875-1945. (a must read!) We created TEENAGE film blog to share our archival finds, flickr pics, director’s notes, film updates & special guest contributors. I’m curating the content for the site, presenting historic youth culture alongside contemporary teenage happenings. Visit TEENAGE and be sure to watch the teaser—a complete jaw-dropper.
Join TEENAGE film Flickr group and add your historic teen photographs, either of yourself or from your collection. Totally ga-ga over the photographs."
so excited about this! Thanks for posting. :)
ReplyDeletesounds interesting... imma check this out !!